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Wherever you go, CodeGem never lets you down

At your desk, on the go, enjoy CodeGem’s powerful functionality across your entire toolkit.

In Your Browser

Access CodeGem meeting agendas and notes directly from Google Meet calls and Google Calendar

Install for Chrome  →

From Slack

/give-feedback Try using CodeGem's Slack commands today!

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Native Mac App

Instantly launch meetings with Command + Space

Download for Mac  →

Web-Based App

Access CodeGem on the web with a mobile version available!

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Collaborate with your team like never before

Share Kudos & Feedback

Easily share and keep track of peer kudos & Feedback!

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Join Productive Meetings

Everything your team needs to run productive 1:1s, team meetings & agile rituals!

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Codify Best Practices

As a team, align and automate your best practices

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Easily Check-in

Your dedicated channel to communicate lowlights and highlights

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